Friday, October 14, 2011

READ THIS. Sex trafficking fundraiser.

I just posted this on Facebook. I figured I'd post it here too!

Here's the deal people. You know how passionate I am about seeing domestic sex trafficking abolished. Destroyed. Annihilated.
According to Benjamin Perrin, author of (the most amazing book on trafficking in Canada) Invisible Chains, Ontario has the most international victims of human trafficking within it's borders. Unfortunately, Ontario is also one of the least equipped provinces in dealing with this atrocious crime.
A courageous woman, Timea Eva Nagy, who happens to be a survivor of sex trafficking here in Ontario herself, created an organization called Walk With Me. Timea speaks to law enforcement and partners with them when they're dealing with women who have been rescued from the grips of their traffickers here in Ontario.
Walk With Me also operates a safe house (I'm pretty sure it's the only one in Ontario at the moment, but don't quote me on that one) that takes in these victims of sex trafficking. As I'm sure you can imagine, it takes a lot of work to keep these girls safe and literally walk with them on their journey to freedom.
That being said, a survivor of sex trafficking that has been involved with Walk With Me has organized a fundraiser for them. The goal of this fundraiser is to raise enough money to keep the safe house open for another year, and possibly even raise enough money to begin to pay some of the staff. (Have I mentioned that pretty much everyone who works day and night to rescue these girls and walk with them are volunteers?!)
Before I mention the cost of the ticket, I want you to keep in mind everything that I just said.
The cost of the ticket is $50. The event involves a four-course meal, a silent auction, many stories of survivors of trafficking, and entertainment provided by many fine, Canadian artists. As well, Francois Mulder is premiering a song based on a true story.
The ultimate goal of this fundraiser is to raise $20 000. They're hoping to sell at least 500 tickets because even if people didn't donate on top of that, they'd still have enough to cover the expenses.
The event is being held at Carmen's Banquet Centre on Sunday, November 13, 2011 starting at 4:30pm.
This is my appeal to you. Please come to this event. Don't think of it as just a fun night out. Think of it as an investment. An investment in the lives of these women. An investment in the future.

I do understand that many of you are students, or have a limited income...or maybe you don't even live in the area. If you honestly can't get the money together for the ticket, there are other ways you can support Walk With Me as well. They are always looking for gift cards to places like Tim Hortons, Shoppers Drug Mart, Walmart, Zellers, etc. Also, a great thing to donate would be gas cards for when the volunteers are driving to the next place that there is a girl who needs to be rescued.

The website for the fundraiser:
Journey to Freedom

The website for Walk With Me:

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I have an issue with something.

That something is gossip, rumors, and backstabbing.

About a week ago, a close friend of mine told me some other people that we both know...people who I used to call friends...sisters even...have decided that my freedom is a lie. These individuals hadn't even talked to me in months, yet here they were telling this person to be careful because I am a liar and I'll just bring her down.

I was really angry at first. To the point where I wanted to travel to the city that they live in and have some serious words with them. Words that are not Christ-like in the least. I took some time...and some deep breaths...and I managed to calm down about it all.

It's been a few weeks since I found out, and just now, I saw someone post a status about how great of a friend one of the people is. It got me really upset again. I feel extremely hurt because I counted this specific individual as my big sister. I looked up to her, and I valued her opinion in my life.

All that being said, I think now is a perfect opportunity for me to use the life hurt tool that we used at Mercy. That, and forgiveness. I need to work on that one too.

No, I'm not perfect and yes, I still struggle some days. But that does not mean I'm a fraud or that my freedom is a lie.

I refuse to let what these people have said about me define me or control my life. Because quite frankly, they're the liars and the hypocrites...not me.
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